The Society shall be known as ‘The Northern Magic Circle’ (herein referred to in these rules as ‘the Society’).
1.1 To band together persons interested in the promotion and advancement of the art of magic.
1.2 To promote good fellowship amongst those interested in magic and the allied arts.
1.3 To arrange and organise such functions as will create and stimulate interest and friendship in magic.
1.4 To oppose and discourage the disclosure of magical secrets to people other than magicians.
1.5 To hold a Convention at the discretion of the Council and Officers of the Society at a time of year and of a duration deemed most suitable by them.
1.6 To hold a Dinner for members and guests at another time of year from the Convention to be known as the President’s Dinner.
1.7 To encourage the art of magic amongst young enthusiasts.
1.8 To publish a Society magazine; ‘Northern Lights’.
1.9 To have a Benevolent Fund and Welfare Service.
2.1 Members of the Society shall be open to those persons interested in the art of magic and the allied arts 16 years of age and over. Junior membership shall be available to persons aged from 11 to 15 years.
2.2 Applicants for membership or junior membership must sign the Society’s nomination form, which must be forwarded to the Secretary accompanied by the corresponding entrance fee and annual subscription.
2.3 All applicants must be supported by one member and seconded by another. In the event of the application being unsuccessful, monies forwarded will be returned in full.
3.0 THE ENTRANCE FEE for membership will be determined by Council.
4.1 The annual subscription for members and junior members will be determined annually by Council.
4.2 The subscription rates shall be submitted for approval at the Annual General Meeting (AGM).
4.3 Subscriptions for a particular year are due in April.
4.4 Membership will cease if a member’s subscription has not been paid by 1st July of that year. A re-joining fee will be levied if the member subsequently wishes to resume membership.
4.5 A person joining the Society, other than in April, shall pay a first year’s subscription in proportion to the time of joining calculated on a quarterly basis. Lapsed members may re-join upon payment of a fee which will be equivalent to the current initial joining fee.
5.1 The Society shall be managed by a Council of Members.
5.2 The following Officers of the Society shall be Members of Council:
a) The Chairman
b) The Secretary
c) The Treasurer
5.3 The Council of Members shall be assisted by a Committee of other Officers as deemed necessary, each of whom will have voting rights.
5.4 Honorary Life Vice-Presidents may attend Council meetings and will have voting rights.
5.5 Five Members / Officers of Council shall constitute a quorum.
5.6 The Council shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting.
5.7 The Council shall appoint a Returning Officer independent of the Council who shall supervise any ballot that may be necessary for the election of Officers.
5.8 Junior membership shall not carry voting rights.
5.9 At Council meetings and at general meetings the Chairman shall preside, or in the absence of the Chairman, the President assumes the Chair. In the event that the President is unable to take the Chair another Member or Officer shall be elected by Council.
5.10 Whosoever presides shall have a casting or additional vote in the event of an equality of votes.
5.11 The Council shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting of the Society.
5.12 The Council shall have the power to fill any office pro temp.
5.13 The Council shall meet at least three times per year. Any Member or Officer of Council failing to attend three consecutive meetings may be asked to relinquish their position.
5.14 The Council may appoint sub-committees and depute to them any of its powers except those relating to the election and expulsion of members.
5.15 The Council shall have the power to alter the rules, but no such alteration shall take effect until the same has been confirmed by the Annual General Meeting.
5.16 A bursary can be requested to assist the President with expenses, the amount to be determined by Council.
5.17 The President and their partner shall be entitled to complimentary registration at the annual Convention.
6.1 The number of Vice Presidents shall be at the discretion of the Council.
7.1 Should the Council decide that the conduct of a member of the Society is prejudicial to its interests, such member shall be called upon to give an explanation in writing to the Council. In the event of the explanation not being acceptable, the member can be asked to resign or be expelled.
8.1 An Annual General Meeting of the Society shall take place at a time of year deemed most suitable by Council.
8.2 The Annual General Meeting of the Society shall be held to transact the following business;
a) To approve the minutes of the previous AGM.
b) To receive the reports from the Officers of the Council.
c) To agree the Council nomination for President-Elect for the following year.
d) To elect the Members of Council and other Officers of Council as appropriate.
e) To receive a report from the Returning Officer in the event of any ballot.
f) To receive and, if approved, adopt a duly verified statement of the annual accounts to the end of the preceding year.
g) To approve the Council’s recommendations for subscription rates for the ensuing year.
h) To consider and, if approved, sanction any duly made alteration of the Constitution.
i) To deal with any special matters which the Council desires to bring before members of the Society and receive suggestions from members for consideration by the Council.
8.3 A member wishing to bring notice of motion for inclusion in the agenda for the AGM shall give written notice of this to the Secretary at least six weeks before the date of the AGM.
9.1 The Welfare Officer is able to assist members in confidence in cases of genuine hardship. Members are urged to acquaint him / her with any case that may come to their notice.
10.1 Magic Societies are given the opportunity to affiliate with the Northern Magic Circle. Affiliated Societies receive a PDF copy of the ‘Northern Lights’ magazine.
Third Revision of the Constitution
3rd March 2019